Thursday, March 22, 2012

Possibly France

I'm really not sure if it's going to happen. There is a relative's wedding in France this summer and before it was looking good that I was going. Now my uncle and aunt have decided they are not going and this may the thing that will ruin my whole European trip. I always wanted to go there and just take in all of the art, culture and history of the place. I just want to be that person who is out there able to travel the world and see everything. I've been sitting on my ass working a regular full time job all my life, not able to experience anything.

In the back of my mind I kept thinking that this won't happen. Something will fuck up and another one of my hopes, my dreams have once again been crushed. There is a possible chance still that I still will be able to go to France but let's continue with this glass half empty thing... just in case.

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

The "New iPad" Was Announced

I have an addiction with Apple. The "new" iPad has been announced today and as little update it has from the iPad 2 I want it! I feel like I need to always have the latest when it comes to my iPhone and iPad and not having the latest feels like I'm not doing my part in life. I will be in line at the Apple Store on Friday to pick mine up. Anyone interested in an iPad 2?