Sunday, January 27, 2008

Status of what I'm doing

Listening to: J. Holiday - Bed
Feeling: Tipsy not drunk... yet

Working is really putting a lot on me even though most of the time I'm kinda hanging around getting paid. I don't know what to do anymore I still need money coming in but I need to find something better than this. It doesn't seem like I'm going to ever progress in this position I think it's best to just move to better things. It kind of sucks and I know I'm just making excuses for myself but the hours I'm working I don't really have time to look for a new job at all and if I do get a day off I rather not even think of work at all. It's a little stressful they would always make you feel like you're high and mighty having you do special projects and then take it away from you...

I've been drinking a lot more recently, I didn't learn from my incident at work when I was working night shifts. It just takes you away from your problems and I know that should not be the way to go but it's a temporary fix for the night. I may get that looked at or something... most of my money goes to that I am saving up for a damn MacBook Pro and that is holding me back a little I don't know... People would ask me to go out sometimes I don't even go out if it doesn't involve me getting something to drink at the venue we'd be at. I sometimes just rather stay home and drink until I pass out and have to wake up the next day for work.

Maybe I should have made these separate posts, no one will read all of this... Well I'll be blabbing here so this will be fun...

Too bad about Heath Ledger right? ---that's all I have to say about that

Hey my credit score went up! I'm very ecstatic about that actually. It's great that I actually took the time to manage my credit and not screw it up like a lot of young people out there. My birthday is next month I guess I'm excited... actually no not really it's 24 not much of a change from 23 or no more privileges or anything. I still don't know what I'm going to do for my 24 most likely get drunk and feeling sorry for myself or something... I just thought I would be actually doing something with my life instead of working for the MAN. It's funny I thought I'd actually be somewhere in the entertainment industry (weird huh?) Something with music perhaps or movies... or you know be a photographer of some sort, I take pictures I don't believe they're good but I like to look at photography and art all together. I don't know... that sort of career is hard to get into and you'd probably have to deal with a lot of pretentious types.

Good thing about work though... Money is coming my way for doing my job this Retention Bonus thing they're having to get like 350 calls in with your quality having to be up and junk... I have to say that was very easy money for me, I was almost excused for the entire thing. I really didn't have to keep up quality because at the time I was calling people back and there was no qualities done on me and excused because of going to a training class for 2 weeks for another month. HAHA oh well...

This weekend I went to Hessen Haus for some beers, we had a boot... ooh I think I have a picture of that I'll upload...

I really didn't have any desire to actually go out this weekend I would've been fine to just stay at home and drink it would've been cheaper but oh well it was fun... of what I remember. I might have embarassed myself a bit too but oh well drinking does that! I think I'm done typing I don't know if any of the 1 reader haha would care to actually go through the whole thing...

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Anonymous said...

That boot is AWESOME! I actually read the whole thing, by the way.
I don't know if that's dedication or boredom.

Unknown said...

Well thank you for reading Rusty, yeah its most likely boredom haha! The boot is awesome! I can probably finish one myself but then I'd look like an alcoholic.

Halohoo said...

It would take me a month to finish that thing, after a couple days it would be flat and probably getting stale,, yech, I don't actually drink, I have no desire to do so, but I do understand how it feels to just not want to feel or whatever. I used to take pills. I took pills for a long time. No more of that though.

About you thinking you would be doing something else, well you're only 23 hun, you have plenty of time to do other things. I really believe in the saying "everything happens for a reason" I don't know, that's really corny, but that's how I feel. If I begin to hate what I'm doing or really have regrets and whatever I just tell myself I wouldn't be here doing whatever if I wasn't supposed to be here. I don't know, anyway, see you at work!

jen said...

haha i stumbled upon your twitter accnt, then saw your web link and then started reading your blog. that drink in your hand is one huge beer of happiness....cheers!