Monday, February 09, 2009

I Joined CelebrAsian!

So, I have a task for whoever reads this... I am collecting pictures of anybody with a sign saying "I Joined, CelebrAsian." it seriously doesn't have to be as fancy as the above picture at all, (FEEL FREE TO BE CREATIVE WITH IT THOUGH) it could be just from your desktop on your webcam looking dumb in your PJs. It could be you in a crowded hallway displaying the sign, it doesn't have to be big. Maybe you want to show off where you live and show off the skyline of your city, as long as you have a sign that says "I Joined, CelebrAsian" I could care less what you do... well, scratch that, don't make it vulgar. I'll probably be displaying a YouTube video for people to do this... I'm probably not going to get a lot of feedback but hey, whatever right? Seriously I did this picture below in 5 minutes, you can do it too!

If you are actually planning to come to CelebrAsian (May 16) and are not camera shy make a video on your reasoning why you are "joining in" the festivities. You can say how you enjoy the asian culture or just there for the food, it really doesn't matter.

All pictures and videos can be sent to

I'm really looking forward to the pictures!


xoxo pommer said...

don't forget our fabulous hand sign! (^o^)

xoxo pommer said...
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