NOTE: This is actually kind of a boring entry... It's more like a journal entry of exactly what's up the morning and some of afternoon, oh well I can remember that the most because I was under the influence!So after a nights all drinking night, the next day we're suppose to attend this "Business Session" where they tell us about Sprint and all this Tax information and stuff... I get a call from one of my co-workers like around 8 waking me up asking if we're suppose to attend. Our Agenda we had "Mandatory for all honorees" on there but I answer the phone...
"Hey Otis, are we suppose to go down to the meeting?"
"I don't know, but I'm sleeping"
"Uhhh... ok bye"
...then I went back to bed
So I did missed most of the business meeting but what do you expect? MM took us out last night drinking and the next day we're suppose to make it on time to this "mandatory business session?" ... Yeah we are oh well. Anyway around 11:00pm I finally woken up and taken a shower and headed down to the Ballroom where it was suppose to be in progress. Everyone was in the hallway getting coffee and some snacks, I guess it was break or something? I saw my crew together so walked over to them.
"Otis! Where were you?"
I know I was late but I was like...
"Uhh... What are you talking about I was here all along?" ... haha
Yeah I couldn't lie I just came out and said I was sleeping, oh well I'm here now. The meeting was more relaxed than I thought, I thought it was just going to be a lame event that I'll be struggling keeping my head up or nodding off to sleep, but the host guy was a comedian that kind of kept us entertained. I don't remember much of the talker but I think it was about getting motivated or something for work... Why are we getting motivated to do our job? Isn't being here proves that we are the best in our center? Anyway, I think the reason for it all is that Sprint can make this trip marked as a "Business Trip" for tax reasons... They also had another speaker later that did "speed painting" where they played U2 'Beautiful Day' and he painted really quickly Bono. It was pretty impressive that he can do that, that quickly within 4 minutes but when he talked it was boring... He also did a painting of Albert Einstein upside down. Everyone cheered when they finally realized what it was when he painted his hair.
Later that day after the meeting, we all had lunch nothing great just some things you can throw together into a tortilla... there were drinks served though so that's always a plus. After lunch we had nothing on the agenda we needed to attend it was just a completely free evening until our "Reception, Dinner and Awards Ceremony" We hung out by the pool, that was plenty relaxing. I didn't get into the pool I just don't really like to be in the water so much but I did enjoy the sun and took all I could of that. After a while
Tina went downtown with a couple that was from EDS-Winchester to check out a parade they were having and to do a little shopping down there. I really didn't feel like going out I just wanted to chill so I didn't go with them.
After a while after hanging around the poolside, I went to concierge to talk about my missing iPhone, they didn't find anything in the Lost and Found area but they asked if I wanted to report it so if they can find it they'll get back to me... To be honest I knew that wasn't getting it back but I went ahead and filed the report. After filing the report I went back to the pool and saw that Israel was sleeping on one of the chairs they had by the poolside and woke him up telling I'm going upstairs for a little bit that I'll be back, while leaving I saw Jess and Brandy walking down to take a dip in the pool also, (that's cool so someone can keep Israel company) Went upstairs to the room and grabbed my cousin's Blackberry and made a call to my phone possibly someone would answer... I didn't expect anyone to pick up at all but they did! I don't think they actually intended to answer the phone because they were speaking into the phone I heard some voices IN SPANISH and then the call was disconnected, tried again and no answer... I'm upset so I know it's in Mexico with a stranger. Just chillin' in the hotel room watching some shows and reading magazines until Dan called the room asking if he can charge his iPod... (Sure why not? I don't have any use for it now!) Geez... I keep going back to my iPhone but it's a big loss to me and it seriously was a part of me I relied on that. Dan and Marty came over to my room and just kind of chilled for a while since there wasn't anything else better to do.
Later on Tina came in and talked about downtown and all that and we went back down to the pool to hangout again. Not much really new we did down there we had some pina coladas and then later we had to get ready for our dinner so we head back to the hotel room and got ready for that...
Sorry for the long blog entry of boring-ness but it's a read on what I did, it was very "chill-ax"
...Also CelebrAsian is getting closer ya'll (May 17, 2008) click the image to go to the website for more information!

To read up some additional information go back to my blog entry about the CelebrAsian happening May 17th! Click Here