I don't know what is up with me lately... I just haven't been myself, I'm usually good at budgeting my money and being good with my belongings, but damn! I'm not getting it in order anymore! My whole irresponsiblity has started with the whole Mexico Trip! I swear that trip has screwed me over so bad I almost regret even going...
I've spent so much money for that trip with buying clothes and some accessories I needed for the trip, getting a passport, and some spending money. Doesn't help that the first night in Mexico I straight up lost my iPhone, and just because of that, that just dampered my whole trip just thinking about it. I didn't really have another phone I can call out to AT&T to suspend the account I just thought I'll do that when I get back... Later in the trip I broke my dad's camera because I feel in the ocean trying to get into this motor boat. (So my dad was real upset about that.)I think I'm not too sure that I left my watch at the hotel there in Mexico too... I'm also upset about that but THANK GOD it wasn't my Movado watch. I haven't told my dad about that because everytime he gives me a watch I usually do tend to lose that...
Coming back I really wanted an iPhone I almost wouldn't settle for less, I mean I do everything with my phone it's like my life it's always attached to me almost, so I decided with my stimulus check from the Gov't I wanted to buy another iPhone... so I've spend another $500 bucks on the phone like in May. As I was going through my bills I went beserk! My AT&T Bill came up to $585.00, I really couldn't pay that off and looking at all the transactions I know I didn't make most of those calls that were racking them up. I called AT&T and said they'll have to submit a ticket to see if they can credit all of those calls since that was way more than can do in that department. I've been pretty good with paying my bills on time but I'm not able to do it on this one for sure. I was just going to pay as much as I could until my service gets shut off that's the only thing I can do... I called back to them and said that I wasn't able to get that credit and all of this shit so I was just thought whatever I'm sick of calling...
I love my parents I have to say, they've helped me so much with all of this when they didn't have to I never really asked them to help me out but they always insisted on helping me, which is a good thing because I almost can't do it. When my monitor broke I was thinking I'll get it next paycheck or something but seriously the computer is everything to me I needed it so I had to ask my parents to get me one and I'll try to get them back... When AT&T finally suspended my account, I paid most of it off but needed like 200 bucks left my parents gave me the money to reactivate the phone. Today I parked at a meter that had a bag on it becuase the next day there's a farmer's market I usually just move it after all the drunks leave downtown but last night I completely forgot about my car and just left it, my car was towed of course. I don't have the money and my parents are there again to help me out... I can't believe them they are the greatest, I might be a little spoiled but it's so good to have that support. They didn't even want me to leave the house they were actually real upset giving me reasons why I would want to leave when everything is paid for. I did just want to try out being by myself see if I can do it... So far it doesn't looks like I'm doing the greatest job, but I'll hopefully get everything in order again.
Otis everyone has some time in their life where they mess up, and with support like your parents you will be fine and back on track, and you will look back at this as a lesson to be learned. Trust me everyone has been in these situations one way or another, many probably are still, just you don't know about it.
I love you parents too! ;) they are too cute.
anyways hopefully everything will get better! remeber! THINK POSITIVE!
Thanks for the feedback dudes! Yeah... It's been sucking right now, it'll pass soon... hopefully.
There's something wrong with your camera, your parents look so Asian!
They look like cool people buddy.
Probably why you're so cool.
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